Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another remarkable Kairos-ian post by our very own Bethany!

"Alas, what a weekend it was for the twelve Kairos members who had the opportunity to experience the untamed wilderness of the Sierras…As one of the privileged, I confess that although our outing was short, we all experienced enough fun and fellowship to last the summer and long after. With so much planned for the two days, we took advantage of every opportunity to enjoy each other's company-- whether it be through taking random personality tests during the long car trip back, or gathering together near the lone faucet during our communal teeth-brushing times. Yes, it was INDEED the great outdoors…

Our outing started late Friday afternoon when we gathered together at the Channing-Bowditch parking lot to take off and munch on crisp Vietnamese sandwiches on the ride there. During the ride, some of us slept, some of us ate, but all partook in getting confused by and then enlightened over various mind-boggling puzzles offered up by some of the brothers (in particular, ask Kevin Huang about the "chopstick" riddle if you get the chance!) Needless to say, in each other's company we were entertained the whole way up...

Upon arrival at the Sierra Lodge, we took a brief tour of the grounds, marveling at the new spiral staircase leading up to the mini loft, the spacious and fireplace-equipped living room, the picture-perfect front porch…the generous slice of concrete comprising the new basketball and volleyball-courts…all in all, it was difficult not to be completely charmed by the Lodge's outback-coziness, and we departed in hopes of one day spending a few nights there in the company of Pastor Ed and Kelly. As for this time, however, it was already nearing dark and we rushed off to set up camp on a campgrounds a few minutes away…

Tent-pitching? Fire-starting and stick-gathering?... Bear-scouting…?! You name it--We did it all, like true campers do! Tents pitched and bear-suspicions investigated (thank goodness this wasn't really necessary…), with a bit of teamwork we soon had a blazing fire started, and we assembled together for some true "fire-side" fellowship: clam-chowder and kimchi noodles, anyone? Perched on wood pieces and taking in the warmth of the fire and our fellow companions, we played a few intense rounds of the so-called "wink wink murder" game. And when I say "intense", I mean it! Many of us had never played the game before; nevertheless, we had some great winking, some great winkers, and some great moments laughing aloud from the "misunderstandings" and ambiguities resulting from the game (read: if you think someone's winked at you, you're probably right).

Afterwards, graced with Tony's guitar-playing skills and our voices, we all sang praise songs together by the light of the fire. A few of us even attempted to sing the national anthems of our native countries (ask Ken and Yang if you want more details, or perhaps a sample). Later on, it was time to roast marshmallows and have feed our stomachs "some more"…in the form of delicious s'mores! One important tip: Never underestimate the deliciousness of a perfectly-toasted marshmallow. That night, I discovered a few things about roasting marshmallows (number one: don't let it touch the fire…) but many more things about fun fellowshipping. It was awesome to be under the magnificent stars and amongst God's nature while enjoying each other's company.

After a restful night, we arose to eat breakfast, pack up, and head down near the exquisite waters of Lake Spaulding to do DT and then share our reflections. I will never forget meditating over Philippians 3 that morning, in plain view of the breath-taking lake that is only one of His marvelous creations—it made me remember that indeed, I have "tremendous reason" to rejoice in the Lord, and that I must "consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord". With the verses of Philippians 1 and 3 fresh in our heads, we headed down to prepare for our kayaking expedition on the lake. AHHH…what can express the excitement at the site of (exactly) six, 2-person boats complete with black oars, and the expansive lake awaiting our intrusion upon its waters??? With lifejackets strapped on tightly and partners chosen, we braved the waters of Spaulding with no hesitation. I soon gave up the hope of emerging from the experience relatively "dry". As each boat engaged in a continual water-fight, all of us oar-warriors were relentless in soaking the other boats to no end (most attributable to some of the brothers' over-zealousness). Funny and dramatic moments alike were not lacking: poor Ken and Carmen's boat capsized quite early on, and Jessie and Kevin T. exhausted about five minutes attempting to capsize their own (they finally succeeded). In the end, soaked but happy (and definitely hungry), we dried off and then sat down to eat a scrumptious barbecue (thanks to Yang, Grace, and Ernie for all the food preparations!) nearby.

Though it was already past 1pm, our day was SO not over yet! After about an hour of driving and some adventurous car "dancing" on bumpy, narrow roads, we hiked on the Carr-Feeley trail for a couple of hours. Neon-green moss, oddly-shaped tree trunks, 3 separate lakes, ducks…we took in the sights and sounds of the hike with plenty of energy and appreciation. It was hard not to be enthusiastic being surrounded by such natural beauty…

Alas, the end of our hike signaled the end of our journey in the Sierras. We headed home, stopped for beef noodle soup in Davis, and said our goodbyes…thanks to all who planned this out for the students and staff alike! I'm really grateful for the time we got to spend together!!!"


  1. Ernie said...
    Ack! Sorry for the delay in pix. Will get them up soon!
    Anonymous said...
    wow, so well written. makes me even more sad that i wasn't there. >_<
    Ernie said...
    I know, Beth! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy the beauty and the splendor of it all. I was captivated by the towering trees and the nighttime stars. Don't worry, James, we'll be campin' out again!
    ArcheKleine said...
    My name. =[
    Anonymous said...
    Oops. Sorry! Can I refer to you as ArcheKlein from now on? Or AK for short (no negative connotation intended)? ^-^
    Yang said...
    LOL, and you spelled his name wrong again. I believe it is "ArcheKleine".
    Anonymous said...
    Oops...sorry, again Jesse, ArcheKleine, AK. So much for my national champion spelling status in the 8th grade.

    AND...just for your amusement, Yang...regarding AK's proper name--I know, I wouldn't want to "e"-liminate anything from it, now, would I??? bwahaha mr. proclaimed pun-hater. FYI (attributes to albert's brilliance), i have joined the ranks of the "pun"-ishers along with Ernie and Grace...
    Yang said...
    ...I am completely and utterly speechless...
    ArcheKleine said...
    How is AK a negative connotation?
    Anonymous said...
    ArcheKleine said...
    What... that's not even bad. It's just a weapon.
    Grace Kim said...
    Hmm.. let's just call him Jesse, plain and simple.

    Anyways, thanks Bethany for writing this up. It was quite fun to read and reminded me of how much of a good time that we had.

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