Sunday, May 11, 2008

Worldview Camp

Gracepoint Worldview Camp is a time set aside in the summer to devote yourself to intensive study and discourse over topics designed at helping Christians think and live in accord with a biblical worldview. The topics range from hot button issues in culture from relativism, intelligent design, marriage, sexual ethics and abortion to the lies that go unchallenged in the media, literature, academic institutions and within the public sphere. This year we are thrilled to have Dr. John Bloom as our principal speaker. He is the director of the M.A. Program in Science and Religion and Professor of Physics at Biola University and who holds expertise in the area of not only topics involving science and faith but in biblical archaeology and history.

We encourage you to participate in at least one camp before your college career is over in order to better prepare yourself for the challenges to your faith within the different arenas you will find yourself in in the future!

When: June 18-21 (Wed-Sat)
Where: Cal State Monterey Bay (...there will be some time included for enjoying sports and bonfire on the beach!)
How much: approx $150 (finalized cost is TBA)
Speaker: Dr. John Bloom

It is not too late to sign up!

Praise Training Course

Want to further develop your musical talent? Want an opportunity to serve in the praise band? We will be offering a course to train your skill set, lead by our praise lead James Kim.

If you are interested, visit

for more information.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Too bad I can't go :( but there's always next year!! yayy

    ArcheKleine said...
    Lol I'll be in San Diego that week. What a coincidence.

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