Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The semester is coming to an end, and the stress is ever so great. He-who-must-not-be-named (also known as Finals) has arrived! Hang in there, it will all be over in two weeks. On a sadder note, along with finals, we will have the final Kairos One Bible Study of the semester this coming Friday. We will start with dinner at 6:30, a home-cooked meal by our very own Ernestine (menu: TBA), followed by a refreshing time of studying the scripture. 

After that, we will have our after bible study activity..............Study Time! What do you expect? It is finals time after all. However, we will do some cool personality test to find out who you really are...and get a good laugh out of it =D

So join us: 6:30pm @ The Y


  1. Anonymous said...
    So we never got to assess our Meyers-Briggs personalities last week.

    I don't think you guys were there at the post-prayer meeting last Tuesday, but Pastor Ed mentioned how having other people take the personality test for you...could be very interesting (i.e., very very self-revealing). The implication of the taking the test yourself: we're too biased to evaluate ourselves. We all want to be someone we're not, right?
    Therefore, who dares volunteer to be my test-taker (or I could volunteer to be a test-taker for someone else???
    Yang said...
    You know what. That actually sounds like a very interest idea. Hmm...I volunteer to take the test for Kevin =D

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